My mission with this channel is in the title, it is to actually help the human race to grow beyond current situation of being an adolescents race and to advance to maturity. And the answer to the question posed by the title, Is The Human Race About To Mature? Is YES!
Based on the concept that the human race belonging to the Earth mother, is a collective single entity.
Just as our individual bodies are made up of billions of cells, so our race is made up billions of individuals. We cannot escape the reality that we are all connected.
However our race cannot mature by electing rulers over us. and expecting them to improve us. This must be done at the cellular level, or in other words each and every one of us must rise up within ourselves, so our race can mature from the bottom to the top.
We are now an adolescent race. Self centred, think we know it all, not taking responsibility for our own actions and so on. Our societies are ruled by the emotion of greed. But most of all we are craving the answer to WHO AM I.
In the first episode I will explain, WHAT WE ARE by explaining the human soul with special emphasis on the three components of the human spirit. I will start here because I will use this as a reference point that we can all then relate to as I move through the 18 or maybe more episodes
Each episode will be like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, all fitting together to eventually form one big picture showing WHERE DID WE COME FROM. WHO AM I. And very importantly WHERE ARE WE GOING.
Instead of starting at the beginning I have left the theoretical physics side of this to part 2 because I want this channel to be about much more than that. However I must put forward new ideas as the current theories such as,. The Big Bang and Darwin’s Evolution in effect say there is no purpose to our lives, These theories gained traction as we have moved from our childhood into our adolescents as a race and the old carrot and stick idea that some all powerful being just making everything and then who watches over us ready to cast judgement, no longer met our advancing intellect.
But as I will show in the equation of everything PURPOSE is a key to everything, and I will put forward a very simple idea on the origin of the universe, the origin of life and the origin of time. Including a new theory of gravity. I will also provide reassurance about extra terrestrial visitation
This channel. Is The Human Race About To Mature …. Is packed with new ideas, that are easy to understand, but most importantly they all MAKE SENSE.
No one can or should try to tell anyone else what to think, we are all on our own life journey toward maturity and we are all at different stages of development, needing different experiences for personal growth.
However I believe, only at the precipice do we evolve and we are at a precipice now! I have been working on the content of this channel for over 20 years and now is the time to put it all out there! Hopefully on line in March 2025. Please follow and share If your spirit moves you to do so.